Thursday, April 10, 2014

Where does the money go?

The initiatives are in for Beans and Rice week!

Poverty: CityLink Center surrounds Cincinnati’s unemployed and working poor with a team of expert, integrated services and holistic care. It’s a bold organization taking on poverty in our city. Learn more at

Heroin: This drug is ravaging our local communities. And that is not okay. We’re investing in great local organizations that are doing anti-heroin work in the backyards of each of our sites.  For more information on the epidemic click here.

Youth Programs: We will help provide meals, education and recreational programming for low-income youth during summer vacation. This is a time when many students lose knowledge and skills, and don’t have access to healthy meals and safe environments. Learn more at

Job Creation: The Ocean Accelerator is a business incubator program to help launch sustainable, job-creating companies. Its mentor-ship program is built on biblical wisdom and principles, helping entrepreneurs start successful Kingdom-focused businesses.

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