Monday, December 26, 2011

Candy Cane Vodka

I'm not sure why I haven't tried this before or thought of it myself but apparently you can put your favorite candy into vodka to make that flavor vodka. So this year for Christmas, since my mom likes peppermint schnapps in her hot chocolate, I decided to drive candycane vodka.

First I put one cup of vodka in a jar then added one candy cane. That didn't seem to have enough peppermint flavor so I added more candy cane until it reached the desired flavor.

Citrus Body Scrub

This year for Christmas I wanted to do several handmade gifts. I searched my favorite website ( for some ideas. I found a recipe for body scrub I haven't actually used it yet but it smells amazing.

Here is the recipe

1/2 cup olive oil or sunflower oil
1/2 cup sea salt
2 slices of orange
2 slices of lemon

Throw all ingredients into a blender and purée. I left a couple chunks of orange and lemon but not much. And you're finished!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Today I had lunch with clients and it just so happens that one of my clients goes to the camp I used to as a child.  She knew my dad and my uncle and everyone that still goes to the camp.  I told a friend of mine that she said my dad was a very sweet man.  Which of course made me smile from ear to ear.  My friend didn't really understand what I meant when I said "camp." As I described to her what it was I was flooded with literally some of the very best memories I have.  It was my childhood, it was a lot of what made it amazing.  Every other weekend of the spring and summer going down to the river to swim, boat, tube, ski, ride on wave runners, play in our tree houses, play manhunt when it was pitch black out in the woods, the carnival across the river in Richmond Indiana, fishing, safety vest tan lines, tree swings, hammocks, go carts bands on July 4th (High Cotton I think they were called?)I got to share it all with my cousins who are all amazing.  I remember waking up in the morning to the smell of bacon, eggs, goetta, and coffee and if the parents were really hung over from the night before we'd have donuts waiting for us.  Bologna for lunch.  Hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, and mets for dinner.  Competing with flies for said breakfast lunch and dinner.  My uncle always told us bed time stories.  I always forget the cats name!  My dad and the flicker fly.  Fires on the beach.  People jumping over the fire while highly intoxicated, or sober, it could have happened either way.  Dance routines.  Getting lost in the woods and attacked by rogue tree branches.  Showers in the bathhouse that made you feel just as dirty as you did when you entered it.  Daddy long-leggers.  All out wars with mosquitoes.  

"Take me to the place I love, take me all the way"