Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Resurrection Sunday

I loved this Easter for several reasons.
  1. As my faith grows, my understanding of the importance of this day magnifies.
  2. Church service was amazing.
  3. I got to spend a wonderful day with my family.
More and more each day I recognize that The Spirit lives in me, I feel it more and more each day.  The calm, the peace, the love, the joy, all of it.  It's amazing.   I keep feeling how important it is to tell people about it.  I feel like so many people say they believe in God, they believe in Jesus but I wonder why it doesn't compel them to get excited.  To do more than buy a new dress and host an Easter egg hunt.  I'm by no means perfect and sometimes I find myself not practicing what I preach, we're all hypocrites to some extent, but I promise you I work on it every single day. 
If we celebrate Easter as a Christian then we know that Jesus told us before He left to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them.  He told us to love God with all our heart, soul and mind.  He told us to love our neighbor as ourselves.  If we celebrate Easter and eternal life then why done we at least try to embody these things?  I don't think that means that we have to all sell all our possessions and travel to a different corner of the Earth, I think it means we should all have our own ministry, we should all each day, be trying to love everyone around us and show them Jesus' love and mercy.  People should be able to look at us as Christians and wonder what is so different about us, where do we get our overwhelming hope and joy?  Jesus says in the bible that he does not come to judge (John 12:47), so what makes us think that we can?  I pray that Jesus would come back one day and His church isn't divided because people focused more on their interpretation of the word than the Great Commission; instead of the two greatest commandments that we can all agree came from our Savior.  None of us are made perfect overnight, but are we striving everyday to be a better person, more like Jesus, more patient, kind and humble?
This was the setting for church this morning, so beautiful, such a wonderful message.
Then it was off to my mom's house for family fun time!  Tula dog is one of the sweetest doggies ever.
Heated game of dominoes in the back yard.   I had such a fun time with my siblings playing games and hanging out in the sun.

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