Tuesday, January 13, 2015


If you haven't listened to this podcast, you should.  I became obsessed with it and listened to it in a couple days.  I'm hoping that the next season ties up some loose ends I thought were left to the imagination?  Maybe it won't.  Either way it was still really good, and I don't typically get into this type of thing.  Seriously, listen to it, so we can talk about it!

Click here for podcast.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week 1


It's the dead of winter, and cabin fever is setting in.  While I love to cuddle up, paint and watch netflix I want to GET OUTSIDE.  I have this weird overwhelming need to go hiking, it could be that I've been reading the book Wild by Cheryl Strayed.  Or maybe it's because the woods are beautiful and I have a large desire to throw out a blanket, get out my paints and paint something.