Friday, November 13, 2009


Why does this make me laugh hysterically every time I see it????

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Graduation Day

I think it kind of hit me yesterday as I was walking through the halls that I've grown accustomed to walking through. I've been in college so long I just pretty much assumed that I would always be there. Now I'm a little more than a month away from graduation and it really is a weird feeling! What the heck am I going to do with my free time? This semster I've had a little bit more free time than usual, call it senioritis, I'm done! Get ready for a huge celebration party!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Could it be???

They're constructing something on fountain square. I think it might possibly be the ice skating rink for CHRISTMAS!!! How exciting?!?!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Head Start

Last night was the Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser that I helped organize for Head Start of Elsmere. Head Start is a comprehensive early childhood education program that was established in 1965 to provide services to preschool children of low-income families. Thousands of three and four year old children and their families have received services through Head Start. Over the years Head Start has become an established program that continues to grow in response to the needs of the community by offering a number of comprehensive services to meet the needs of preschool age children from economically disadvantaged families and/or children with disabilities.
My management class had been given the task to raise money to give the kids a good Christmas this year as their funding has been cut by 80%. The dinner was a great successs! We raised $400 more than our goal and can now deliver Christmas presents to every child as well as a puppet stage they've been wanting. We've decided to paint the stage white and allow all the kids to put their hand prints on the stage.
I have to say I'm definitely not big on asking people to part with their money, it's just not a strong suit for me. I do, however, absolutely LOVE organizing events and participating in them. I loved being a part of it and can't wait to start on the next one!