Monday, December 21, 2009

R.I.P. Slim

May 17, 1983 – December 17, 2009

I never was able to get to know Chris but his death broke my heart for my old friend, his little brother, Marcus. Marcus and I became good friends a couple years back and I've always had a soft spot in my heart for him. Marcus was a friend to me when I really needed one. My father was just diagnosed with cancer and I had went through a bad break up with someone I really loved and Marcus was there for me; without knowing it. He was someone I could truly be myself around and he used to have me laughing til my stomach hurt. I also appreciated that I could talk to him about anything and he encouraged me to follow my dreams. I always got upset with people who judged Chris and his family without knowing them. Marcus is one of the sweetest men I know and I'm sure Chris was as well.
It broke my heart to see him on the news today. He looked so strong and I hope he is able to stay strong for his family. Marcus my heart goes out to you and your family. Time will heal you and Chris will always be with you. Miss you. Much Love. Sleep in peace Chris Henry; I will miss watching you every Sunday.

I realized the other day...

I not nearly as critical as I used to be. I rarely as frustrated as I used to be. I'm rarely unhappy. 99.9% of the time I'm just content. Sometimes I wonder if my contentment is boring? Wondering if I just am kind of coasting through life. The only thing that really makes me unhappy anymore are inconsiderate, selfish people. I know I can't change them though; they have to want to change themselves. I'm hoping that with school over I can become passionate about the things I love again. My spirit changed, I know it's become brighter, but with it my passion couldn't grow because I had been stuck going to work, going to school, going to work, going to school, repeat, repeat, repeat. I'm excited to watch myself grow now; into something more. The someone I've always wanted to be. It's been a work in progress but I think I'm there now :o)


Now that college is complete I can finally start to do some things that I want to do. I've always wanted to be a part of the Big Sister program but never got involved (1) because I was always too busy with school (2) I do already have a little sister who I could mentor. With my little sister, not so little anymore and school behind me I fould an organization called Cincinnati Youth Collaborative. I went to their training to become a mentor for a child in the Cincinnati school district. The program is really inspiring, they told us countless stories of horrible things kids in our area are exposed to. Their lack of guidance and love leads them on the wrong path. I get frustrated with people who aren't sensitive to this at all. Think kids end up in jail by their own choice. No one wants to go down a path of destruction, but if that's all they know, normally that's where they head. I'm hoping to show my mentee something different.
I was able to meet my mentee this past Wednesday at her school dowtown. She is so cute!! I'm really excited to get the chance to know her better. She comes from a rough background and more than likely doesn't get a lot of attention at home. My job is to help her with her school work, guide her on the right path, and be a shoulder to lean on when she needs it. For our first time out together I'm going to take her to fountain square to go ice skating. Her younger sister is also going to be mentored by my good friend Kelly so we'll be able to help each other out! Stay tuned for more!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Could it be.....

Mayweather agreed to fight Pacquiao! Now this little a-hole just needs to sign on the dotted line so I can get some tickets to the fight! After what he did to my Cotto, Mayweather better show him not to smile and skip down the isle when he's coming to a BOXING match. Can't wait!