Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Photo a Day - Grow

January 29, 2013

need something...

I know everyone must go through this, because I've heard it from my friends and from my family.  That feeling of needing something new.  Not necessarily material, but just something.  Just that feeling that you're missing something.  I have no idea what it is but I'm missing something.  It makes me want to shed the old and bring in the new, with everything in my life.  Not the people.  I have the best people around me.  When I feel like this I tend to grab at everything around me.  To involve myself in too much so that it becomes overwhelming.  I'm trying to figure out how to not do that this time. 

I'm excited to be writing again.  Baking again.  I've done a lot to clean out my house; to get rid of everything I don't need.  That doesn't seem to be enough.  Maybe I just need the sun.  Maybe this happens every year in January and February when I NEED the sun.  With the sun comes spring and birds and baseball and bbqs and just an all around good time.

I've been in a funk that had me going home and getting in bed everyday after work.  Mostly because it's freezing cold and I'm in love with my heating blanket.  I think this weekend I'll be putting my good TV downstairs.  I think it's time to get out of my bedroom.  I think it's time to do more.  I'm cancelling cable and anything that costs money that I don't absolutely need. 

The past few months have been rough.  I was pretty down.  I'm starting to get that really good feeling back.  Just happy for no reason.  And for so many reasons at the same time.  God is good.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Photo a Day - Through

January 28, 2013

Craft Day

My mom and I decided that we want to try and host a craft day once a month with our friends and family. I usually venture over to her house once a week to work on crafts or my scrapbook and to spend time.  So this week we used good ole facebook to send out an invite to make a Valentine's Day Craft.  Here is what is on our agenda:

These wonderful lacy votive holders:

Or a creative Valentine's Day Wreath

We're really looking forward to creating a fun tradition and of course we're looking for fun holiday themed recipes for our guests to enjoy!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Photo a Day - Landscape

January 25, 2013

Not really a landscape, but it's the closest I could get!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013


With every New Year brings new resolutions. Or maybe just a lot of the same resolutions that were forgotten the year before. Undoubtedly every year I make a list and I every year I fall off the wagon. So this year I decided to make a better list. One I have a little more faith in sticking to. Of course some of last year’s made it to this year’s list. I don’t have a ton of confidence in them but somehow I think listing them makes me feel a little better, maybe I’ll take a crack at them at some point. So here’s the list:

One of them is also scrapbooking (kind of,) can you tell?

1. I have a problem with people I work with. I get very frustrated by some of them. And when I say frustrated I don’t think it fully describes how mad I get on a daily basis. I won’t get into it because there’s no reason to work myself up. So, I’ve made it my #1 resolution not to speak unkindly of anyone. No matter how mad they make me. No matter how inconsiderate they might be. It’ll be tough and I’m not going to be perfect at it, but I will absolutely try my best.

2. I fell in love with Crossroads a couple years ago. I went to their Superbowl service (which is coming up) and I absolutely loved it. They made church fun. They told stories I could relate to and they made me want to listen. Church was revolutionized for me and was anything but boring. I went on their GONOLA trip to help rebuild after Katrina and I was hooked although, I didn’t always make it to service. This past March a new site opened 5 minutes from my house and shamefully I STILL didn’t go every weekend. This year WILL be different. I love that church and every time I walk out I feel better. Every time I get involved I feel amazing, I get so much out of it, and there is no reason not to be there. Week 1, success.

3. There’s just no reason not to do this more either. I drag my feet on my way there and leave totally refreshed.

4. Ok this makes it on the list every year and I am the world’s worst at it. But it makes me feel good to put it on the list.

5. I love it. I love to make yummy things, AND I got a mixer for Christmas. Kitchen Aid and everything. So I want to bake, a lot of cupcakes and maybe make some new recipes. I have taste testers at the office. So why not?

6. I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump since mid-summer. I’ve tasked myself to read AT LEAST 20 pages a day which really is nothing. I end up reading a lot more than that during the week on the bus, and I’ll sit down on the weekend to read my 20 pages and it turns out to be a lot more. But 20 pages a day, every day. I should get through a lot of books this year.

7. I love to write. I’ve said it before I’ll say it again. I love it. It helps me a lot. So I bought a cute little iPad journaling app and I love it. I write my day’s events and thoughts in it every night before I go to bed.

8. There’s really no explanation needed for this one.

9. RAK! I mentioned it in my One Good Deed post. Now I know I might not think of something every day, but I sure am going to try. Today I complimented a dress and a purse (no these were not just compliments given to mark something off a list,) and helped a man find a woman named Donna (who turned out to not exist, so I guess we didn’t find her, but I certainly tried.) Also I offered a friend help in a difficult situation. She may not need to take me up on it, but she knows I’m here, and I think that’s important.

10. This one could be anything. Create cupcakes. Create traditions. Create pretty crafts. Create pictures. Create relationships. Just create. Be present. Be thoughtful. Create opportunities. Create wine and then drink it all. Just do things that I talk about doing but never do. CREATE.

This may have been enough, but I’ll share some other little things I’ve started this year to make it more memorable soon!

Photo a Day - One O'Clock

January 10, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

One Good Deed

It’s great to have people in your life who truly know you, and are great gift givers. My best friend is the best gift giver I know, and I’m not talking about anything extravagant, just thoughtful. Which I believe are always the best gifts. For Christmas this year she gave me the book pictured above. One Good Deed by Erin McHugh. I absolutely adore this book.

I’ve been talking a lot about Random Acts of Kindness or RAK (check out the concept click here.) One of my 2013 resolutions is to do better at things like this. Just doing small things to make someone else’s day better. The best part is it doesn’t have to be anything over the top. Keep it simple. Compliment a co-workers new outfit, hair style, nail polish, whatever it may be. At Christmas time I taped $1.25 to the vending machine in the break room at work with a note that said enjoy this random act of kindness. Merry Christmas!’ I always go out of my way to hold the door for the person behind me even IF they are an awkward 8 steps behind me. If I see something a loved one might like during the day, a funny picture, e-mail, or maybe something cute at target pick it up or send the text that says I’m thinking of you today. Just be a bit more aware. A bit more present. I set reminders in my phone to text someone if it’s the day of a big test, or doctor’s appointment or whatever it is, just so I don’t forget to wish them luck. It’s so easy to get caught up in your daily routine, I believe it’s very important to let people know you care.

Anyway I’ve been talking about this concept for a while. Luckily Jenna had come across this book in a magazine and this woman commits one year to doing one good deed every single day and of course she writes about it. I absolutely love it and would recommend it to anyone looking for ways to be better. Which is great because it’s exactly what I was looking for. I know I have 101 ideas for things I wish to do to make myself better this year, so I doubt I can fully commit to one thing a day, but be on the lookout for my good deeds. I’m excited to share and hopefully inspire. Think of what could happen if everyone tried to live the way Erin McHugh did.

A few of my favorite ideas or deeds from the book:

  1. Clean it up, even if it’s not your mess
  2. Say yes to a friend in need even when you are exhausted and just want to head home
  3. Support a local cause
  4. Share a favorite experience and experience for the first time again
  5. Bite your tongue
  6. Buy two. Give one away
  7. Share a favorite memory
  8. Create a tradition
  9. Give credit where it’s due
  10. Nothing beats a kind word
  11. Don’t complain
  12. Toot someone else’s horn
  13. Take one for the team
  14. Be nice

Photo a Day - Paper

January 9, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I'm back!

I’ve decided to start writing again. It’s funny how much I love it, how much good it does for me. And then once I think all is well in my world I stop writing. And within time it tumbles out of control again. Maybe I shouldn’t stop writing this time. Maybe it keeps me together. I think it does. And so it goes again.

It’s been so long I feel like I have so much to share! I don’t think anyone even reads this thing but who cares. I sure don’t. I have so many new years resolutions and goals. I don’t think I’m going to list them all here, I think I’ll just have to get through my crazy head of ideas day by day and chronicle them here. I’m excited to get back to it!

Enjoy, and if you read and I stop posting again. Yell at me! Nagoha23@gmail.com, but do it nicely.

Photo a Day - Something Beginning With "T"

January 8, 2013