Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Camera!

So since Circuit City is going out of business I decided to buy a new camera! I love it. I've really been wanting one. So I took some random pictures around the house to test it out, lol!

My pretty kitty with her funky ear!
My other pretty kitty cat

One of my Valentine's Day presents!
My bedside books
My dresser :o)
I know the pictures are silly but I'm excited. I had a camera but it's really old and didn't take very good pictures. I love photography so I'll definitely be taking pictures of everything. I can't wait to post something new to my cooking blog with pictures where you can actually see what I made! More pictures to come!

1 comment:

The Abernethy's said...

That's so neat that you got a new camera!! That reminds me that I should go to Circuit City and see if there is anything we could use. I am looking forward to see new pictures with your new camera!
I noticed on your blog that you are reading "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. Could you please tell me what you think of it after you finish it? Reid just finished "The Last American Man" and he really like it. We saw "Eat, Pray, Love" when we were out this weekend and I was thinking of getting it to read.
Love you,