Saturday, November 21, 2015

One Room Down.... several more to go

I've realized through this process how all over the place I really can be.  I started in my bedroom and then went to my living room, and then back to my bedroom, then to my bathroom, then to my living room, did a little in the kitchen, then my linen closet, more in the bathroom and then back to the bedroom.  And now my house is pretty much a disaster everywhere.  Why I can't just focus on one until it's finished I have no idea.  However I am finished with my bedroom.

I have completely decluttered everything.  I stopped keeping track of every little thing I've thrown away because it's too much work, especially when I'm all over the place in the house, and really what's the point anyway.  It's safe to assume that I had way too many things and I'm getting rid of A LOT.  In my bedroom I filled 3 garbage bags, got rid of over 10 pairs of shoes, lots of belts, bathing suits, accessories, candles, little decorations, a bedroom set and I'm just left with a lot less clutter and a lot more clean surfaces.

 Here are a couple of before and afters of my messy messy closet

So many clean surfaces

My catch all of journals, books, pens, bibles, remotes, sketchbook etc.
I can't tell you how refreshing this room is now.  Everything I don't need is gone.  Everything is easy to find, easy to put away.  It may not be decorated but it's super calming now.  Everything has a place.  I love it.  I can't wait until every single room and closet feels like this.

My bedroom is the only room besides my master bathroom that I have yet to paint since moving in 6 or so years ago.  It's not a secret that I'm the creative type, but it's also not a secret that I have a TON of interests and I love a lot of different styles, I just couldn't settle on one.  So after my entire house is decluttered and deep cleaned I'll move on to decorating.  I created a vision board though because I'm pretty sure I've finally settled on a "feel" I'm going for in my bedroom.

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