Tuesday, January 29, 2013

need something...

I know everyone must go through this, because I've heard it from my friends and from my family.  That feeling of needing something new.  Not necessarily material, but just something.  Just that feeling that you're missing something.  I have no idea what it is but I'm missing something.  It makes me want to shed the old and bring in the new, with everything in my life.  Not the people.  I have the best people around me.  When I feel like this I tend to grab at everything around me.  To involve myself in too much so that it becomes overwhelming.  I'm trying to figure out how to not do that this time. 

I'm excited to be writing again.  Baking again.  I've done a lot to clean out my house; to get rid of everything I don't need.  That doesn't seem to be enough.  Maybe I just need the sun.  Maybe this happens every year in January and February when I NEED the sun.  With the sun comes spring and birds and baseball and bbqs and just an all around good time.

I've been in a funk that had me going home and getting in bed everyday after work.  Mostly because it's freezing cold and I'm in love with my heating blanket.  I think this weekend I'll be putting my good TV downstairs.  I think it's time to get out of my bedroom.  I think it's time to do more.  I'm cancelling cable and anything that costs money that I don't absolutely need. 

The past few months have been rough.  I was pretty down.  I'm starting to get that really good feeling back.  Just happy for no reason.  And for so many reasons at the same time.  God is good.

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