Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Okay I admit I'm not a fan of Jersey Shore, but I've heard enough about the plot and characters from friends to know pretty much what goes on in every episode.  My cousin Jamie and I were reunited through a charity event for breast cancer last weekend, I say reunited because I hadn't seen her in over a month which is entirely too long by my calculations.  We had a discussion and decided the only reason why we aren't Victoria Secret models is pure laziness. 

I'm headed to Nashville in a week and a half to celebrate my 30th birthday.  I know Thirty.  Three ohhh.  Can you believe it?  Anyway my sun kissed glow from Mexico is long gone, have no muscles and I hate doing laundry.  Don't get me wrong I wear clean clothes I'm just not on board with doing my laundry everyday.  Jamie and I decided we're sick of being borderline hot we're going in for the real thing.  This discussion happened four days ago and I'm proud to say I've been to the tanning bed twice since and I'm starting to show a color other than pasty.

I haven't wrapped my mind around the gym yet.  I have to prepare myself.  You can't just jump into something as strenuous as walking or running or lifting weights. I've decided I need to go to a gym again, maybe watch people work out for a few days first just to see how it makes me feel.  I'm not going to lie I get tired just watching.  In all seriousness, I know if I worked out I'd probably be less tired.  I want to, I'm just afraid Urban Active is going to tell me I owe them $4,692 from the last time I had a membership there.  They have a hard time canceling people's memberships when it's requested.  I also have a large problem with paying a fee to pay a fee.  If they ask me for a $50 enrollment fee so that I can pay them $30 a month I'm not sure how I'll react.  

I've decided that 30 is about acting and not talking about acting.  There are so many different interests that I have and good intentions that I have that almost none of the ideas I formulate actually reach any type of action stage.  One step and one thing at a time. 


Jamie said...

bahaha borderline hot.. im so tired of it! lol :) glad we were "reunited and it feels so good.." love you!

JKloeker said...

You are already beautiful dear! I know this because I dont hang out with ugly chicks. lol