Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My first

Ok boys and girls so this is my first time. So be sure and be gentle with me. I've always really thought about starting one but for some reason am shy to put my thoughts out on the net for others to see. I mean they are my thoughts and all. Some of them I don't really care to hear other's opinions on. I guess I can make those blogs private.

Let me introduce you to the man that inspires me over and over to create my own blog. None other than Mr. Montgomery Maxton himself. He's kind of a big deal.. Known for award winning journalism and poetry as well as photography, activism, and painting. His blog is currently the coolest; that is until mine gets up and running :)

You can find him at

Look at how frickin hot he is.

Enough about my number one inspiration. Back to me. I don't have as many cool specs as Mr. Maxton does but I'd like to think that I'm just as interesting. I'm 25 live on my own. Have a good paying job, I'm still in college but whatever it's a work in progress, I have great friends and great family. Overall life is pretty good. I sometimes live vicariously throught my 16 year old sister and her friends. They're so fresh and young, and I'm glad they all seem to be "good girls." They're all smart and fun too, girls I know will go on to college and do big things, and I'll make sure of it.

I work at a bank, how bad does that suck though. Like I said it pays good but it might be something like pure hell. Have you ever had a woman cry in your ear about how she has no money to buy formula for her screaming baby? Only to look at her account history and see that she's made two trips to the liquor store and one trip to tabacco for less in the last week? I'm fairly confident that they don't sell baby formula at either of those fine retail stores. That's my job among several other nasty people that I put up with day in and day out. May sound mean but it's totally a reality. It seems that everyone's life problems stem from their horrible banks. Sure you're allowed to have a bank account free check cards, free internet bill pay, free this and free that and all these people have to do is have enough money to cover their spending habits. That's it. Okay maybe sometimes if you deposit a check it has to be there ONE day in advance to make sure it's available. WOOPIDIE DOO!! The majority of the time its a check that this dumb shits obviosuly wrote out before they even made the deposit, hence the reason why it clears the same day checks are deposited. Anyway I have close to zero tolerance for ignorance and I deal with it all day. Any thoughts? Objections? Bring them on :)

Enough about that. I COMPLETELY love photography and wish that it could be my job. I want to be that person on the sidelines of NFL and NBA games takin pictures of all the action. I would LOVE it. I do like the artsy fartsy pictures too. I think my favorites are black & white pictures of prego bellies. I think they're so beautiful. Or taking pictures of people or things in B & W and then painting them myself. I never have time for my favorite hobby though. Working full time and schoolin full time doesn't leave time for much play. One day hopefully I can do more of it though.....