Friday, July 8, 2011

Bucket List -- Part Uno

So I searched for my bucket list last night to no avail.  So I'm going to need to create a new one.  The first things that pops in my head when I think of my lifetime bucket list is something pretty simple, I think.  It's sailing.  I have no idea why but I've always really wanted to go sailing.

 Okay maybe that boat is over doing it.  I'd settle for something like this or maybe even smaller. 
I just think it would be great to be in the open sea with nothing but the sun and wind on my back, well, a bathing suit too.  I already have boat shoes so I'm pretty much all set.  If you know anybody who knows anybody with a sail boat let me know.  I need to cross this one off my list!

The second one that jumps on and off of my bucket list is skydiving.  Okay I know it's crazy.  I've always been the one to say "I'm not jumping out of a perfectly good airplane."  But I have more than a few friends now who have done it and they all loved it (obviously none of their parachutes malfunctioned.)  So now it's kind of like sticking my tongue on the positive and negative terminals of a 9 volt battery when I was little.  I know it's gonna feel really weird and it gives me the heebie jeebies but I want to try it just to see what it feels like.  Just to see.  I'm currently negotiating with myself to officially put it on there.

doesn't it look kind of amazing??


your most favoritest cousin of all time--- (Jamie- in case you weren't sure lol) said...

i've always wanted to go skydiving.. i say we make a fun filled day of doing crazy things. we can go skydiving and get tattoos! im serious! let's set a date and JUST DO IT!!

Amy said...

dear most favoritest cousin of all, I'm down as soon as I have the cash.