Friends with Benefits
Last night I went to see a pre-screening of the movie Friends with Benefits. I know I know romantic comedies are all the same, and you're right they are. Somehow I always end up getting sucked in, sometimes ending up disappointed and sometimes pleasantly surprised (call me a hopeless romantic, I won't deny it.) This time I was pleasantly surprised. I really liked this movie. It was a lot funnier than I thought it would be. More silly funny than anything. I'd wait until it comes out on DVD though, only because I only usually see highly anticipated movies or action movies in the theater.Funny how women watch these movies and daydream about it happening to them. I can't say I'm not one of them from time to time. I think we lose sight of the little things though if we believe one day someone is going to set up a flash dance to earn our love. Whatever. Don't act like I spoiled the end, you know in the first 12 minutes of the movie how it's going to end. Real life doesn't happen exactly like the movies, but it could be something like them if you let it...
i cant freakin wait to see this movie!!!! we all know i love me some JT!
and NOOOOOOWWWW i'm extremely upset with you my cousin... how could you not tell me that Mila Kunis' name in the movie is JAMIE??????? that means Justin Timberlake says MY NAME in that movie... i have waited to hear Justin say my name since i was 12 years old............. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ok im done. i may forgive you one day.
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