Friday, July 15, 2011

Mohegan Island

A lot of times when I can’t tolerate looking at banking/trust information anymore I take my ‘smoke’ break.  You know the smokers of the office get a 20 minute break every hour or so, so I do the same only I’ll research vacations I can’t afford or look at feature presentations at the drive-in for the weekend, etc.  Today I received an e-mail about five All American Islands to visit.  The last one featured was my favorite. It’s in Maine, it’s called Monhegan Island.  I hear wonderful things about Maine, however, the furthest north I’ve ventured is New Jersey.  

Here’s the Inn I found that I think I’d want to rest my head: Island Inn Mohegan

I’d love to spend a long weekend there with my camera, a couple of books, and my laptop.  Wow look at me, I went from a long weekend in Vegas, with my vodka and stilletos to a quiet weekend in Maine.  Such is life…

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