Thursday, July 14, 2011


Those are the best words to hear when you or a loved one has a tumor removed from your body.  My uncle text me today to let me know that my aunt's tumor she had removed from her thyroid was in fact benign.  It's weird.  When someone goes through something like that I assume the best.  I think a lot of people assume the worst.  From the time she found the tumor to the text message I just received I prayed but I didn't worry about it being cancer.  I didn't worry about my mom either.  Not even my dad at first.  However, I can say, an overwhelming wave of relief fell over me when I read that text message.  Because I know what cancer is now, and I know what it does when you least expect it.  I felt that same wave of relief when my mom's radiation was complete. 

This disease has changed my life, without ever having it myself. That's how powerful it is.  I think the word benign is just as powerful.  I love my aunt, after hearing that she's a-okay, when she may not have been, I love her that much more.  I can't wait until she's all healed up from her surgery so that we can celebrate life some more.  A 'benign' party is already in the works...

1 comment:

JGerb and Dirty Dianna said...

Awww Amy... I just read that to my mom and we are both crying.. thank you so much that was very sweet. your words are very inspiring!!!! :)