Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Let's get outta this town tonight...

Last year I went on a mission trip to New Orleans. I went to help people heal from the terrible tragedy that was and still is hurricane Katrina. During the trip I was on the photo team. We took pictures of families that lost everything in the storm. It was by far the most fulfilling, most amazing trip I have ever been a part of. I was on cloud nine for months after returning.

This year I regretfully decided to forgo the trip to New Orleans. I thought it was an okay decision for me when I made it, however the last couple of weeks I've really been struggling with my decision. Let me back up. When I made the decision not to go it was purely based on resources. I am a horrible fundraiser and I didn't want to end up putting what I couldn't raise on credit. I thought that was the right thing for me to do; the responsible thing to do.

I decided that since I'm working on a spiritual journey I would take a smaller trip, by myself, take pictures, write and just quiet my mind. Do some soul searching. You know like some people do when they travel around Europe but this would be the easier more cost effective version. So here's what I came up with for my trip around the south, well not south, south but more south than me...

Day 1: Home to Louisville. 1 hour 30 mins driving.
Day 2: Louisville to Nashville. 3 hours.
Day 3: Nashville to Memphis. 3 hours 30 mins. Go to the Neely's BBQ!
Day 4: Memphis to Decatur Alabama. 3 hours 30 mins

Day 5: Decatur to Chattanooga. 2 hours
Day 6: Chattanooga to Knoxville. 2 hours.
Day 7: Knoxville to Lexington. 2 hours.
Day 8: Lexington to Home. 3 hours.

Eight days might be a little bit too much so I may cut out Louisville or Lexington if needed. So the idea is to get up bright and early every morning, travel to my next destination, stop along the way to look around, take pictures, to be quiet and just think. Enjoy my surroundings. Take it all in. I'm thinking the fall might be the best time to go. Kentucky and Tennessee in the fall are so pretty.

You may be thinking "if you couldn't afford New Orleans how are you going to afford this?" Well I'm selling an old car and I'm taking my sister with me. So it will be a lot cheaper. I'm still bummed I didn't plan better to be able to go to New Orleans but I'm looking forward to getting away and doing something different.

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