Wednesday, June 15, 2011

end of the trek

I know posted a little bit of information about a local man, Brandon, who left for a trek across the country to raise money and awareness for cancer. We'll he's back and I very much enjoyed following him on-line, seeing where he was, looking at his pictures and his travels. I’ll be one of the first in line to buy the book he plans to write.

Before he left he took pictures from people whose loved ones died of cancer and he planned to leave the pictures as a trail along his journey. I went to his benefit and I took him a picture of my daddy. I loved the idea of my dad travelling with him on this amazing journey and I looked at his pictures everyday to see where my dad would end up. Every couple of days I’d see a picture of a picture in his mobile uploads, I’d click it and read the story or the person he was leaving in his path. My dad never showed up. This was a struggle for me. I never in a million years want to discount what Brandon did. It’s truly truly amazing. He went 2,200 miles which he tried to do by foot but when he got to Missouri (note that he walked/ ran 650 miles) he physically couldn't go any further. He rested for a week and did the rest by bike; he could have given up but didn’t. He has touched so many hearts, given so much hope, and just really brightened the hearts and souls of so many people. I can’t say I wasn’t disappointed that I gave a picture of my dad and it wasn’t left; I was really excited about it. I realize that’s selfish but it sucked a little for me. I guess that just wasn’t my dad’s journey. I’m far from having any hard feelings about it.

I’ve decided to leave his picture in each city on my journey through the ‘south’ as well as leaving his picture in Gatlinburg when I go for my 30th birthday. I told my best friend forever about it and she said ‘Well I guess you’re just going to have to leave his picture in Gatlinburg when we go for your birthday.’ I loved it. She knows me and my connection with Gatlinburg and how much my dad loved it there. It’s the last trip he took before he died and I wasn’t able to go with him…

I guess Brandon and his truly remarkable journey wasn’t supposed to be my dad’s; I think I’m supposed to leave him on mine…

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