Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Crazy Love

I started this book today and I'm so excited about it.  This world is so distracting we need constant reminders of our purpose.  I think this is going to be a good one.  I've only read about 30 pages and I've already had one kairos moment.

"Psalm 115:3 reveals, “Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him.”  Yet we keep questioning Him: “Why did You make me with this body, instead of that one?”  “Why are so many people dying of starvation?”  “Why are there so many planets with nothing living on them?”  “Why is my family so messed up?”  “Why don’t You make Yourself more obvious to the people who need You?”
                The answer to each of these questions is simply because He’s God.  He has more of a right to ask us why so  many people are starving.”

I love that last line.  God created us, He created the Earth in which we live.  He doesn't make us do anything because we have a choice.  Forcing someone to love and obey you isn't love.  He has the right to ask US, why WE aren't doing anything about it.

More to come...

Here is the website for the book www.crazylovebook.com

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