Thursday, August 22, 2013

Finders keepers

Thank you Kitty's coffee for getting me through every morning.  Who would have thought that I would actually be drinking anything but Chai Tea from a coffee shop. 

My headphones also get me through the day.  I listed to a lot of sermon and a lot of Jesus music yesterday.  Andy Stanley and Ascend the Hill are pretty much always coming out of those.

This is my view from the printer at work.  I've been copying docs for 62 new accounts.  Mind blowing stuff.

I realized today how much I do not know what is going on in the world.  I have absolutely no idea why this is flying at half mass.  I think I might like it that way, the news is absolutely depressing. 

It has been so long since I've been able to enjoy some sushi.  Well....

Steak rolls!!  With cream cheese, avocado, asparagus, tempura, and spicy mayo.  Soooo good

Abby Girl Sweets Cupcakery has done it AGAIN.  Root Beer Float Cupcake.  So friggin good.

I confiscated these from the ground at the Jason Aldean concert.  Don't judge me.  Finders keepers!  And their Michael Kors too.  I think those are expensive.  Maybe.

I haven't been in this building for over a week and a half!  So happy to be back...

It was one of my small group member's birthday Friday so we had a yummy ice cream cake to celebrate.  So blessed to be in this group!

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