Monday, August 8, 2011

end of summer.

I cannot believe summer is almost over already.  This year has absolutely flow by, which becomes more and more the case every single year.  This has been my year to grow and I think that's happening.  A lot of things have changed and gotten better for me.  I still have a way to go.  But I've found that everyone does.  This is constant.  No one is ever done changing and growing.  It happens every year, month, week, and day.  

I've also learned you can read a million and one inspirational quotes, but your life will stay the same unless you live a couple of them.  Just because you handle things well, don't cry when life gets tough, and seem tough on the outside doesn't mean you are at all.  Most the times you're weaker than the masses.  Because you don't take chances; you live in your tough bubble where there's no risk and consequently no real reward.  I'm willing to take chances again.  Put myself out there.  I look forward to what comes.  

One more month until 30.  Just the right time for a change of pace.

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