Thursday, January 2, 2014

Genesis 1:26-2:2; 2:7-9, 15 Made for Stewardship Dr. Timothy J. Keller

These are simply my footnotes from the following sermon: Timothy Keller- Made for Stewardship

Made for Stewardship                  Dr. Timothy J. Keller       "Genesis 1:26-2:2; 2:7-9, 15
Work & rest… 
What is it with the world and how much we work now.  No more 40 hour weekends.  Remember when we used to just eat, now we eat and read or eat and work.  There is no more rhythm of work and rest.  Something is going on.  We must understand work and rest to live.

What we’re called to do:  We’re called to work.  Verse 2:2 God finished the work he had been doing.  Mythology stories of creation say that work is bad.  God says it is good.  In old mythology gods did not do work.  In the bible God does work, it is good.  God got dirt under his fingernails.  God plants gardens.

No matter how high you are in society right now, your ancestors are still groundskeepers.  It doesn’t matter what you do, work should be valued.  All work.  No matter what it is.  All work has dignity.  All work is a calling of God.

How are we called to work: Look in at what you’re gifted to do.  Look out at what people need.  Look up to God to the one who has called you. 
Look in: GEN 1:26 Let them rule.  We are made in the image of God, he creates we are to create.  Something out of nothing.  Does not have to be art.  Make something relatively new out of what you are given.
Look out: If you have talents in math and you work hard and you become incredibly rich, you are to give back your blessings.  It most certainly is a blessing because you were born here in America where you can use you talents to bless others.  You could have been born on a mountain in Tibet where your inclination toward math would mean nothing.  God blessed you, you didn’t do that by yourself, your talents worked out in your favor, be a blessing.
Look up:  A love supreme by John Coltrane.  Non do minus (?)- I was put on earth to do a certain things and I’ve done it.  He knew he was called by God and he fulfilled his calling.

God has given me something to do, I need to do something to help those around me, God will use these things to have me accomplish the mission he has given me.  If you work like that you’ll be happy.  Know your mission.

To do God’s work you have to rest.  He hallowed the 7th day.  He set it apart for us.  You don’t just need REM sleep Psalm 3 says you also need spiritual rest, deep rest of the soul. 
People who do not believe in God have to construct their own meaning, so they work and work and work and do things to call attention to their lives to give it meaning.
At the end of creation God said it is finished so he could rest.  Centuries later Jesus said it is on the cross it is finished so that we could get rest.  Hebrews 4:9

You need approval and significance in God’s eyes not through work.  Rest in that.  We know we’re not worthless.  Who cares what the world thinks, care about what God thinks of you.  It was finished in creation and finished in redemption.  Do not create your own meaning, when you do that you only care about yourself.  When John Coltrane realized God loved him the music he made was about God and the people that enjoyed his music.  Not about himself.  There is so much rest in that, it takes away the burden of having to create your own worth, or in being the best at everything.    

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