Monday, February 11, 2013

Give it up

It's that time again.  The time of year where many Christians give up something for Lent.  From Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday.  I grew up Catholic and my family always participated in this but I don't know that I ever have fully committed to it.  So this year I am.  This is the first year that I have felt that I am fully committed to growing.  No more excuses.  Since winter and cold weather has begun I have become entirely too lazy.  I play on my iPad way too much and I watch way too much TV all while in the comfort of my bed and heating blanket (it's SO cold!!)  So starting Wednesday..... it hurts to say it...  no more iPad games (I literally threw my head back in protest after I typed that.)  That's how unhealthy my obsession with these games are.  In the place of the games I will read my bible and do my daily bible study, read more books, and get my butt in the gym.  I also will only use my phone for pictures in social settings.  No more checking what's happening on Facebook, no more games, no more looking away from a conversation to see what is happening on my phone.  Time to be totally present.  Time for 44 days of breaking bad habits, stopping things that waste time, and personal sacrifice in order to build into myself.  We'll see how this goes!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Ahh this will be a hard time for us both, but so worth it! You already know what I'm giving up, but we are going for the same ending result. We can be each other's support on our path to get closer with God and be who he wants us to be. :)

-Your sis from the same misses