Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

I'm not the type to go on and on about New Years resolutions, the main reason being, I never keep them.  I want to try and change that this year.  I get so lazy and boring.  I always float away from the things I love to do and just exist.  It's time to change that up a bit.  So I've created my bucket list (which grows everyday,) I've made some personal goals for myself, and I've chosen some things from my bucket list that I want to cross off this year.  And it goes a little somethin' like this:

Personal Goals:
Well these are just that personal, things I've learned about myself over the years that need tweaking.  Things I've decided I want to tweak for me, not for anyone else.  Some of them are:
  1. Get back to Crossroads
  2. Know it's okay to not always be in control of everything.
  3. Exercise.  I hate that this one is EVERYONE'S resolution and I'm jumping on the bandwagon.  But I'm 30 and it's about time I start worrying about how I eat, and heart health.  I'd like to really focus on that this year
  4. Do more of what I love.  Be creative.  Take pictures.  Make things from scratch. Bake.  Things like that.  
  5. GET OFF THE COUCH and do more of #3 and #4.
  6. Volunteer, once a month, at least.
  7. Always give hugs
  8. People like compliments, give more of them.
  9. Write more letters
  10. Save and pay off.
Bucket List:
  1. Write a letter to myself to open when I'm 40.
  2. Bake something from scratch (make own original recipe.)
  3. Go camping- I've obviously done this before but i want to go this year!
  4. Skydive- I know, I know but I want to do it!! I think :)
  5. Go an entire day with no technology
  6. Ride in a hot air balloon.
My bucket list is so long I'll need to add to this one but it's a start.  I think I might need to start a seasonal bucket list too.  It's time to get somethings crossed off!
Happy New Year everyone :)

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