Tuesday, September 13, 2011


It's no secret that I have a weird sarcastic humor.  There's no way for me to curb it, and honestly, I don't want to.  A co-worker of mine, who actually also happens to be my boss, introduced me to a website of quite possibly the most ridiculously genius man alive.  I was really starting to catch up on my work here in the office until he showed me this site so now any question to my ability complete my work for the day will be essentially my bosses fault.  There are tons of stories on this site and I can't quit reading them, no matter what deadline might be approaching.  To enjoy the ridiculousness that is David Thorne Click Here.  Maybe you'll love him, maybe you'll question my humor.  Either way, it's brightened my days.  It's really hard to chose a favorite but Simon's Pie Charts or Free Burton Snowboards are toward the top of my list.  Enjoy

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