- secure an isle seat at the church
- ensure that my foot can conspicuously protrude into the isle
- as bride and father of the bride are walking down the isle insert foot to middle of the isle
- as soon as service ends make my way to the reception as soon as possible
- take full advantage of the open bar
- find a nice spot by the beautiful cake during the dreaded stupid overrated father/daughter dance
- have 12th shot with my vodka chaser
- "accidentally" fall into the cake during dreaded stupid overrated father/daughter dance
- flip everyone off and exit stage right, but only after I get one last drink
I ran this plan by my step-mother last night when I met her out for her birthday last night. She approves. We even clinked beers and did a cheers to it.
Ok of course I would never do that, I don't think, I'm very excited for my cousin. He's a good guy and I would never ruin some one's wedding. I just have no idea why he didn't run his wedding date by me first. lol. I've been trying to do really well with a good outlook on things in general. Seeing my step mom smiling and upbeat last night just makes me admire her so frickin much. This woman just keeps frickin going!!!! And smiling and laughing and being amazing. That's actually what's on my plan:- smile
- laugh
- be amazing
I decided to stay away from the cemetery as to not totally ruin the day. I have a cupcake and a candle for later when I get back from the wedding so I can sing happy birthday to my dad.

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