There have been countless things that I have wanted to do for so long. Things that I either made excuses as to why they weren't feasible, I was too busy, I had school, etc. I'm no longer locked into school and am no longer making excuses. I feel really good about things that I have been involving myself in lately so I've also been doing a lot of research on how I can do more, be more, and be apart of something bigger than myself.
I've signed up with Crossroads Church to go to New Orleans in July. During our week stay some of us will be rebuilding homes, some will be helping children in their bible studies, and myself a few others will be photographing children and their families who had lost all of their family pictures in the hurricane.
It's hard to imagine that 5 years later so many families are still trying to rebuild their lives. I feel very lucky to be able to be a part of it and cannot wait to get there! We will be taking a tour of the 9th ward and have been informed that much of it looks exactly as it did 5 years ago; minus the water. More to come....