Saturday, November 21, 2015

One Room Down.... several more to go

I've realized through this process how all over the place I really can be.  I started in my bedroom and then went to my living room, and then back to my bedroom, then to my bathroom, then to my living room, did a little in the kitchen, then my linen closet, more in the bathroom and then back to the bedroom.  And now my house is pretty much a disaster everywhere.  Why I can't just focus on one until it's finished I have no idea.  However I am finished with my bedroom.

I have completely decluttered everything.  I stopped keeping track of every little thing I've thrown away because it's too much work, especially when I'm all over the place in the house, and really what's the point anyway.  It's safe to assume that I had way too many things and I'm getting rid of A LOT.  In my bedroom I filled 3 garbage bags, got rid of over 10 pairs of shoes, lots of belts, bathing suits, accessories, candles, little decorations, a bedroom set and I'm just left with a lot less clutter and a lot more clean surfaces.

 Here are a couple of before and afters of my messy messy closet

So many clean surfaces

My catch all of journals, books, pens, bibles, remotes, sketchbook etc.
I can't tell you how refreshing this room is now.  Everything I don't need is gone.  Everything is easy to find, easy to put away.  It may not be decorated but it's super calming now.  Everything has a place.  I love it.  I can't wait until every single room and closet feels like this.

My bedroom is the only room besides my master bathroom that I have yet to paint since moving in 6 or so years ago.  It's not a secret that I'm the creative type, but it's also not a secret that I have a TON of interests and I love a lot of different styles, I just couldn't settle on one.  So after my entire house is decluttered and deep cleaned I'll move on to decorating.  I created a vision board though because I'm pretty sure I've finally settled on a "feel" I'm going for in my bedroom.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Financial Freedom

My journey to financial freedom is a culmination of a lot of things.  I've pretty much always had debt, since I was able to enter into legal agreements, I've had it.  Why?  I don't know.  My parents have always been really smart financially, why I didn't allow that to influence my life, I have no idea.  My 20's were a time where I needed to have things to feel worthy and the result of that was not great.  So for a long time I just figured it would always be there, so my focus wasn't on getting rid of it, it was on maintaining it.

In the spring Crossroads did a Brave journey and that was a turning point for me.  We picked a heading, something God was calling us to that we needed be brave in going for.  Mine was financial freedom.  I started listening to Dave Ramsey and started hearing stories of people who had more debt than me paying it off in less time than I would imagine possible.  I learned about the debt snowball, paying every extra dollar to the smallest balance until it's gone and then throwing every extra dollar to the next smallest in line.  Tackling creditors one at a time.

I started my journey in April of 2015.  I got real about what I owed.  I got real about how intentional I needed to be.  I got real about how much I give up on certain things when they're difficult.  I got real about vision. I'm not quite sure about sharing the amount.  One because I don't want some to say, well I don't have that much so my debt isn't that big of a problem.  I don't want others to say, I have way more than that, so hers may be surmountable but mine isn't.  Just know it's a lot more than I want it to be.  I have credit cards, student loans, a parental loan, a car, and a mortgage.  It's a lot.  I'll probably share it at some point, I'm just not sure now is the right time.

So I created a budget and a plan.  It took a few months to get used to it and a couple months of failing which I'm sure will happen from time to time but this has become a lifestyle change for me.  I learned I CAN get out of debt, even when unexpected expenses come my way.  Even when I really want that new shiny thing.  The not funny part is all these shiny things in my house I want to get rid of, that are weighing me down, that I can't stand to look at anymore, are part of the reason why my debt is where it is.  There's a really good chance that I'm still paying for some of the things I want to rid myself of.

I used to hold onto a lot of shame because of that, and I think I always just thought I deserved to be where I was because I did it to myself.  I made so many stupid decisions and I just remember not caring in my 20's, at all.  I really don't know why.  The thing about Jesus is, he wants freedom for us in literally every area of our lives.  Every area.  He covers shame with love and acceptance.  He replaces hopelessness with hope.  He takes away discouragement and replaces it with faith.  Faith in the seemingly impossible.

This verse has continually encouraged me through this journey.  Financial freedom is something that I knew was good and that I should get to, but I didn't particularly want to change my spending habits.  So my prayer was that God would change my desires and that He would give me the power to follow through and stay on track. 

 My desire at the end of this isn't to be able to have more money, it's to be able to be more generous with what God has entrusted to me; to be a good steward.  It's to be able to go wherever God calls me without having to feel shackled down by debt.  I'm estimating that this will be about a five year journey for me, to have everything paid off, sans the house.  I'll share this journey too.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


It's been a few weeks since I began the journey to get rid of everything that doesn't serve a purpose in my home or doesn't make it pretty.  I had all these grand ideas for before and after pictures and counting everything.  Which is still pretty do-able, but a lot of before pictures have not been taken.

I've been working mostly in my bedroom and living room.  I've managed to clear out a lot of clothes, a lot of DVD's, old candles, books, and some other miscellaneous items.  I think one of my bigger problems in life is not finishing what I start.  I can be a bit all over the place.  So I'm trying to narrow my work down to these two rooms, little by little until they're completely emptied.

First I started in my bedroom.  I've been in my home for 6 years and I have yet to really decorate this room.  Why?  I have no idea.  It's the place where I rest it should be refreshing so I wanted to start there.  I started with clothes, because I have so many and for some reason I always shop at places where the clothes don't last too long and its silly because I'm not 23 anymore.  So I just have all of these clothes some I love some I really don't like, it's what I have and now I'm trying to spend less so it's just what I'm working with.  So far I've packed up 2 garbage bags full of clothes.  I still have my closets to go through but here are a few during and after pictures:

These are my shorts I had like 40 pair.  Why, I have no idea, you rarely see me in them,  I only got rid of a handful though.  The rest were put in a storage bin under my bed to be reevaluated in the spring. (a little bit of a fail but not really.)

I have 2 small dressers and a little cabinet full of t-shirts, tanks, gym clothes and comfy pj's.  This is the pile of all of it.  I got rid of so much of it.  Old tanks, I even got rid of perfectly good sweatpants because I had way too many pairs, tshirts that I held on to for no reason, and I also set aside t-shirts that I love but don't really wear; ones that hold special meaning for a t-shirt quilt (my mom is awesome at that kind of stuff.)

Here are the afters, imagine unorganized clothes spilling out everywhere for the before's, and look at that top left... EMPTY!
I can't tell you how much easier it is too keep it organized and to find things that I actually like to wear.  Next up in my bedroom is the closets, hopefully this weekend.

Then I moved downstairs, I started in my entertainment center because it had so much stuff in it, lots of storage is good unless you fill it with a bunch of junk just because you can.

I started with getting rid of pretty much all of my DVDs which, was easier than I thought it would be.  I've always loved movies and used to go to the 4 for $20 spot at blockbuster, weekly.  I realized though that I was very rare that I would pick a movie out of my collection to watch.  I'd either find something on netflix or Redbox it.  So I decided to keep my very favorites (Christmas movies, anything Will Ferrell or Tom Hardy) and get rid of the rest. 

There were so many miscellaneous things in my entertainment center that I won't go through everything I got rid of but here are some afters so far.  The top two pictures were cabinets that were overflowing with DVD's, some candles, some old small group stuff, etc.  Now it's condensed to one.  The one on the left isn't full and it's actually easy to see the DVD's I have.  The books on the right are some of my favorite recipe books that are hanging out there until I get shelves up in my dining room.  So basically it'll be empty.  Bottom are some candles and photo albums and a Sega Genesis I just couldn't part with.  Simple. Simple. Simple.

I've gone a little crazy in clearing things out, I pretty much took everything off of my entertainment center, it felt cluttered to me, so I'm taking everything down and starting over with the decorating phase when I'm finished.  (I can't wait to get rid of all those CD's to the left!)

The problem is a lot of things are making their way to my office.  Things I'm not sure what to do with.  Things I don't want to get rid of but don't necessarily belong in my entertainment center or bedroom.  I have a feeling this room is going to be a pretty big mess for the next couple of months.  Which isn't my favorite because usually it's my creative space.  It needs work too, those squares are full of STUFF.  Some of it necessary some of it I'm sure is not.  This will be my last room to tackle.  But I'll probably snap a pano of it for each post just to see the changes.

Total count as of today...

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Just Some Background... well a lot of it

The last few years of my life have been nothing short of an adventure.  It doesn't always seem that way, but then I hit another peak and when I look back, I see how it's all weaved together and it amazes me every time.

I want to start writing about my newest journey but I feel like I have to give a little bit of a background to what led me here.  

This is a story about God, and how He changes literally everything.  I think I have to tell you a little about who I was before He started knocking on areas of my life I couldn't have fathomed would have changed.  Here's just a few things...

  • Total people pleaser
  • Completely afraid of failure
  • Insecure in any talent I possessed, so much so that I didn't even try
  • Relied on appearances to snag attention
  • Must get married to "start" my life
  • Unable to say no
  • Lover of things, even if it meant mounds of debt to get them
  • Constantly compared

I realize all these things make me seem pretty... what's the word... lame?  But if I'm being honest about what was under the surface I presented these were very much there.  They're things I didn't notice until I was looking back at them.  I cared about being at the club and looking pretty, and wearing the right outfit and being seen by the right people.  I always wanted the party to start at my place, to provide the drinks, and the food, and shots were on me.  I loved my friends and I loved them fiercely but I thought they loved me for what I did for them, I thought I had to perform to be accepted.  I never wanted to be seen as weak so I rarely cried, rarely acted like I cared about things that mattered, I rarely tried anything I could fail at.  I thought I was just supposed to get married, raise children and work a pretty good job, because that's what people did.  Every relationship I was in pretty much ended in infidelity so I never felt good enough, I constantly compared myself to those around me.  And I needed things.  I needed retail therapy.  I packed my closets, pantries, drawers, cabinets and my life with things.  I packed my credit cards, student loans, and more with debt.  God existed only when I really really needed something and when my dad died of cancer, He didn't exist at all.

It took about a year or so for me to take those words back and another 4 years for Him to completely break through in a really tangible way for me, but when He did it was incredibly undeniable.  

I just got really excited about Him, because even though I was raised in a religious family the reality of Him being a personal God who wanted relationship was new. I've also always been a full on passionate person, about anything that I love.  But mostly because I had this completely unexplainable joy.  Something I had never experienced before.  So I started reading my bible.  I started reading everything I could.  I started trying to go in whatever direction it was that I thought God wanted me to go in, but I really had no idea what I was doing.  As time went on things about me started to change, God started revealing things about me that I didn't even see in myself.  It would be through reading the bible, listening to sermons, bible studies, journaling, other people, or a combination of some or all of those things.

First thing I realized was my necessity to be noticed. To have the right outfit, to wear the right makeup, have my hair curled just right.  So I went make-upless for a while and cut my hair short.  Not because I fully didn't want to care about my appearance but because I didn't want it to define me anymore, I didn't want to get my worth from it anymore, it wasn't who I was.  

Second thing was pride.  I loved the praise of anyone really.  I was noticed before by what I wore, where I hung out, and what I had.  Now I was being noticed by what I did for people and through volunteering, etc.  And I think I got the same satisfaction, just in a different way.  I still struggle with it if I'm honest.  At the end of the day I know how the changes in my life have come and who is responsible for them.  I have little to do with it.

Third was my need to perform.  My need to people please.  My inability to say no.  I've always wanted people to depend on me, to come to me first when in need.  I don't know why, but I found a lot of my worth in it.  As a result my schedule was always full.  My bank account was always empty (or negative.)  I was always drained.  This carried over into my life as a Christian.  My worth and identity was in what I could do for people, what I could do for God.  It was like I had a contractual relationship with everyone.  I performed, I received friendship/relationship.  The weird part is I didn't expect my friends to perform in anyway to keep my friendship and none of my friends I've had for years have ever done anything to make me believe that to be true.  I wanted to be involved in EVERYTHING at church.  I wanted to do it all because I was new and I wanted to meet people and I wanted to experience everything but also because I wanted to be needed.  Because I performed to belong.  Because if I did enough good things God would give me a husband and maybe a white picket fence too.  So God showed me that He's not a vending machine.  He showed me that there is literally NOTHING I can do to make Him love me more than He already does.  

In the midst of this He showed me that it would a good idea to be quiet.  To just keep my mouth shut.  I had listened to so many sermons and read so many books and I would just spit out what I heard about God.  I wanted so much for people to like me that I tried to show people what I knew instead of who I knew.  My insecurity in what I knew I'm sure showed.  So I stopped talking so much and I listened and I worked on my relationships with people and with God.

Next He taught me that He is God and I don't have to understand why He does the things He does or where the path is taking me or why my life doesn't look the way that I thought that it should, I just have to keep stepping forward.  He showed me just how misguided all of my decisions were and how literally nothing could compare to what I had now.  He taught me somethings about grace.  That's it's completely and utterly free.  No matter how hard I try I'll probably never get it right and that's okay because when He decided to change my heart and take over my life He already knew how many times I'd stumble and He chose to walk it out with me anyway.  He's not surprised by anything.  He made me the way I am for a reason.  I want people to come to me first because I really love people and I want to be able to be there for them.  I want people to come to my home because I love making people feel welcome and entertaining.  I'm given talents to use them, not to be intimidated by failing.

Things I've been seeing lately and working on...

Debt.  I've always had so much of it I just always thought it would be there.  Then I heard about Dave Ramsey and started hearing stories of people who have way more than me and pay it off in a matter of a few years.  So I'm working on freedom from that.

Clean eating.  This one is new, and is totally a work in progress.  God has put some pretty amazing women in my path that are committed to fueling their bodies and not filling just them.  I've never struggled with weight which is great, but I've worked out pretty much never and have eaten well pretty much never too.  I've seen that food can either drain us or energize us.  The design of our bodies is amazing and we can push them to do some pretty amazing things too.  I want to want this for myself more.

Saying no.  The entire month of September I pretty much made no plans.  I just said maybe to everyone instead of yes.  During that time I read a lot of my bible, journaled a lot, had worship sessions in my car and in my kitchen, mostly while washing dishes and dancing.  I talked to people a lot about my faith and what I struggle with.  It was pretty great.  At the beginning of the month I read Matthew, the message version.  I no lie saw this verse over 10 times randomly in different ways.

It was used in church service, it was in a book I was reading (twice,) a sermon I listened to online, this picture was something a friend of mine posted to her Instagram (and each one in the message version no less.)  I kept thinking wow how cool that God would give me this is assurance that this month of rest was exactly what I needed and exactly where He wanted me.  But it just kept coming back up.  The last time I saw it, it clicked, I wondered if I kept seeing it because I wasn't seeing what God wanted me to specifically see in it.  One of my biggest struggles with God is that I think He is going to make me sell all of my things and move to some far off place with no creature comforts and it terrifies me.  It can paralyze my relationship with Him because I don't want to hear it.  I really have no idea why.  But the fear is real and it's a real problem that I struggle with.  I also didn't really realize just how attached I was to my things and to my home and to my comforts until recently. 

....And this is where the story weaves together beautifully.  And I'm a little wrecked by the way God works....

The words jumped off the page  "I won't lay anything heavy or ill fitting on you," the flood gates opened.  I literally had been telling friends and family of this real fear I had and my attachment to things and how my relationship with God was suffering because I didn't want to hear His voice because I was scared of what He would ask.  And He chased after me, even after I say no please don't say anything, like a child with my fingers in my ears yelling "la-la-la I can't hear you," He was persistent and caught me with a verse out of His book.  A verse that covered everything I'd been struggling with.  Chased me with it until I saw what He wanted me to see.  I haven't "randomly" seen the verse since it clicked.  We had been singing Good Good Father at church and it just hit me.  It's like He was sweetly saying I'm not here to make your life miserable and take everything from you.  I'm a really good dad so please just trust me and walk with me.  All of this is easy with me.  So I prayed about it and I asked Him to help me with it.  Two weeks later I'm sitting in my bed, sick, going stir crazy and I literally have an overwhelming desire to get rid of everything.  Not only that but I realized how my desire for things, and all of the stuff that I have in my home makes it impossible for me to stay organized.  It makes it impossible for me to focus.  Impossible for me to be effective.  Impossible to flourish in my creativity.  They weigh me down.  I spend more time cleaning that ever necessary.  And I honestly just didn't see it before; I've never desired complete simplicity in my life more than I do right now.  I think that's why when I hear "...was blind but now I see..." I cry every time because the things in my life that hold me back, that weigh me down, that keep me from freedom, I literally do not see them.  And God slowly reveals a new one for me to work out, with Him, in His time.  It literally never works until He decides.  What I love and I have incredible faith in is the fact that once He calls it out it comes to completion.  It knocks me to my knees.  The thing I feared the most a month ago, I'm chasing after today.  And all I did was seek Him in it and honestly ask for help.  He chased me and showed me and lit a fire that I now get to run with.

So what is all of this about?  What am I going to be writing about?  My journey to a freedom from my stuff and from my debt and whatever else comes my way.  I want to be accountable.  God never asked us to do anything alone, He asks us to do this in community.  For us to help each other along.  

Another thing I know about me is that I'm a sharer.  I don't do it because of the whole pride thing, I do it because I love it.  I do it because if it encourages just one other person toward freedom then hours of writing is worth it.  I do it because some pretty amazing people have inspired me and pushed me to new places with their stories.  Mostly now, I do it because I'm not afraid of it anymore.  I'm not afraid of what people with think about me anymore.  Everyday I step further and further into my true identity and further and further away from what the world says about me.  And the joy that comes with that.... I'm not designed to keep it to myself.

More to come y'all. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


If you haven't listened to this podcast, you should.  I became obsessed with it and listened to it in a couple days.  I'm hoping that the next season ties up some loose ends I thought were left to the imagination?  Maybe it won't.  Either way it was still really good, and I don't typically get into this type of thing.  Seriously, listen to it, so we can talk about it!

Click here for podcast.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week 1


It's the dead of winter, and cabin fever is setting in.  While I love to cuddle up, paint and watch netflix I want to GET OUTSIDE.  I have this weird overwhelming need to go hiking, it could be that I've been reading the book Wild by Cheryl Strayed.  Or maybe it's because the woods are beautiful and I have a large desire to throw out a blanket, get out my paints and paint something.